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Modern Foreign Languages


At Lynsted and Norton Primary School, we recognise that learning a modern foreign language is a statutory entitlement for all pupils during their time in Key Stage 2 and we are committed to the principle that learning another language helps foster a curiosity and deeper understanding of other cultures and the world in general. We believe that learning to understand, speak, read and write another language during Key Stage 2 will provide the basis for learning other languages, which in turn will provide important opportunities for future study and work in other countries. In our school we teach French.


Our Intent for the teaching of French is to promote the development of linguistic competence and confidence in speaking and writing as a well as an understanding and awareness of the world and other cultures and lay the foundation for the study of foreign language at Key Stage 3 and beyond. To accomplish this, we will help the children to do the following:

  • Familiarise themselves with the sound and written form of French.
  • Develop particular language-learning skills.
  • Begin to understand a new language and communicate in it.
  • Learn about different countries and their people.
  • Use their knowledge of the foreign language with growing confidence, both to understand what they hear and read, and to express themselves in speech and writing.

Our intent is also reflected through our school values:

Ambition – Children set their sights high and learn an additional language from an early age.

Self-confidence – MFL becomes a platform for children to develop and thrive in a variety of ways.

Perseverance – Learning a foreign language is often learnt through repetition and rehearsing aspects of that language and encourages a practise-based approach to learning.  

Independence – Being able to express thoughts and understanding in another language promotes self-expression and independence.

Respect – Developing individually as learners and supporting peers through learning another language.

Enquiry – Broadening cultural awareness of different cultures and lifestyles.



Across KS2, each class has a 30-minute lesson timetabled each week. Lessons support the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.  Children are taught to listen attentively to spoken language and respond, joining in with songs, rhymes and games. Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, songs, poems and rhymes in French that are delivered through the curriculum content.

Teaching and learning

We recognise that language learning in its broadest sense has three core strands.

  • Learning to communicate (with emphasis on oracy, i.e. listening, speaking and interacting).
  • Learning about language (reading and writing in the foreign language and learning about the writing system, spelling and structure of the language).
  • Learning about and comparing different cultures (inter-cultural understanding).

We will encourage pupils to apply knowledge already learnt about their own language to their own language. We aim to equip pupils with strategies for language that they can use in the future when studying other foreign languages.

We base our teaching of French on the Kapow coverage of teaching French, which is broken down into five strands, and one overarching strand:

  • Speaking and pronunciation
  • Listening
  • Reading and writing
  • Grammar
  • Intercultural understanding



Our intended impact of our MFL curriculum ensures that children develop their knowledge of where different languages are spoken in the world. Varied learning experiences, including ‘All about Britain Week’ and ‘International Day of Languages’ also ensure that languages are celebrated throughout the school community whilst providing a context for language learning and develop the children’s understanding of different cultures.

Capturing our learning in Hedgehogs and Foxes

Years 3/4

Years 3/4

Years 3/4

Years 5/6

Years 5/6

Years 5/6

Celebrating French across the school:

French Afternoon, KS2 had fun celebrating everything French during our French afternoon. We learnt about French history, famous French artists, what certain French food taste like and enjoy a French Christmas story.

Key Stage 2 had the pleasure of a 'French afternoon' today! We enjoyed games such as Mikado, Jeu de bataille, Jeu de 7 Famille, Saut a l’élastique and French Bingo, hopscotch and Twister using French colours and body parts! We also tried some French drinks of mint and grenadine syrup, as well as red berries and Langue de chat (biscuits).
