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Please ensure all items are clearly named


We encourage the children to take a pride in their appearance and require all children to wear school uniform, which is:


  • Green fleece* – outdoor wear only
  • Green sweatshirt/cardigan*
  • White or green shirt/polo shirt
  • Dark grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • Green and white summer dress
  • White or grey socks
  • Black school shoes- not trainers


* These items with the school logo are available from LTR Supplies in Teynham, although it is not essential that logo items are worn. These generic items can be bought from local supermarkets. 


For reasons of health and hygiene it is essential that a change of clothes is available for P.E.  Currently the children come to school in their PE kit on their PE days. However, Reception children should bring their kit to school and get changed in school. This develops the children's independence.  


PE Kits

  • Plain t shirt - Red-Rochester / Green-Hever / Blue-Dover / Yellow-Walmer - (depending on which Team your child is in)
  • Black shorts
  • Black or navy jogging bottoms
  • Green/black jumper/fleece/hoodie
  • Sensible outdoor trainers (not plimsolls - children are barefoot for indoor work)
  • Warm clothing for winter PE: children will do PE outside in cold conditions so please make sure your child is well equipped with warm clothing, hat, gloves and suitable footwear


General Requirements

Parents are asked to ensure that their children wear sensible shoes or sandals to school and not fashion shoes/boots or trainers.


Children should not come to school in make-up, nail varnish or jewellery.  Ear studs but not earrings may be worn.  For safety reasons we ask that longer hair should be tied back neatly and ear studs removed or taped for PE. Hair accessories should be small and discreet. Watches may be worn, however 'Smartwatches' are not permitted. Children who are distracted by wearing a watch may be asked to remove them.


Parents are asked to mark all items of clothing and other property clearly with the name of the owner.


Children should bring their items to school in a small bag. Personalised book bags are available from LTR Supplies in Teynham, although this is not essential as they may use a plain back pack instead. Water bottles are provided for the children and are washed regularly. 


Second hand uniform

If your child has grown out of their uniform, please consider donating it to the school. We hold some second hand uniform that we have available to parents for a suggested small donation.

If you are struggling financially to provide your child with uniform, please speak to our Family Liaison Officer in confidence. 


Please ensure all items are clearly named

