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A very warm welcome to Lynsted & Norton Primary School.  My name is Amanda Adcock and I am the Trust Attendance Manager for OCMAT, the Trust of which your school is a part of.


Education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life.  Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to both academic and social development, which in turn will improve the life chances of children and young people and ensure that your child settles well, is happy at school and able to take advantage of all that Lynsted & Norton Primary School has to offer.


We hope that by working together, your Child’s journey with us is a happy and successful one


Our School Day

Our school day starts at 8.50am.  Our gate and classroom doors are open from 8.40am-8.50am, and we have a staggered end time, at 3.10pm for Ducklings Class (Reception) and 3.15pm for all other classes.



Pupils arriving after 9am must enter school by the main entrance and report to Reception where you will be asked to sign them in.


It can be very distressing for children to go into class late on a regular basis and they are missing vital input points of learning. It may only seem 5 minutes, but this can quickly add up!



It is the parents’ responsibility to contact the school on the first day their child is absent by telephone or email before 9.30am.  This is a safeguarding issue requirement so that all parties know that your child is safe.  At Lynsted & Norton Primary School we operate a first day calling system.


If your child is unwell with a sickness bug we would ask that they remain at home until they are clear of any symptoms for 48 hours.


Our Family Liaison Officer (FLO) is Miss Lupson and happy to work with both children and families to improve attendance and punctuality.  Please come and talk to us if you have any worries or questions.

Her details can be found here:-FLO Information



Requesting a leave of absence

If you are needing to take an unavoidable leave of absence for your child - please complete this form for leave of absence  which will be sent to Mrs Adcock our Trust Attendance Manager, who will respond at her earliest convenience. 


Please note the new rules for leave of absence during Term Time  - this is on an attachment at the top of the page


This can also be found on our website  under Parents/Children – Leave of absence.


Attendance information: 

Attendance policy (see attachment above)

Holiday reminder (see attachment above)

Late poster (see attachment above)

Dental / medical appointments (see attachment above)








If your child is ill, please contact the school office by 9.15am on the first day, and every day thereafter, until they are back to school, by phone (01795 521362), email ([email protected]) or by using Arbor.  When they return to school, please also send a note explaining why they have been absent.


Our Attendance policy states that it is a parent's responsibility to contact the school on the first day their child is absent.  This is a safeguarding issue requirement so that all parties know that your child is safe and their whereabouts is known.  Parents should regularly update the school each day and inform the school when their child is returning.


I need to stay home if:                       I am ready to go back to school when:


Fever Over 37.5degrees -                      I am fever free for 24 hours without medication


Vomiting in last 24 hours                      Free from vomiting for at least 48 hours / 2 solid meals


Diarrhoea in last 24 hours                     Free from diarrhoea for at least 48 hours


I have a rash                                       Free from rash / itching.  Been evaluated by a doctor


I have head lice                                   Treated with appropriate treatment, please inform teacher   (see leaflet attachment above - on how to spot headlice and how to treat them)


I have an eye infection                         Evaluated by a doctor and given treatment if needed


I have been in hospital                         Released by the doctor to return to school


 NHS Guidelines for sickness at school :-  Is my child too ill for school? - NHS ( 




Trust Attendance Manager: Mrs Amanda Adcock

[email protected]

Tel: 07594 888784
