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Lynsted and Norton Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome


Thank you for taking the time to show an interest in our school.


Lynsted and Norton Primary School is a small, rural school founded in 1878.


We are proud to be part of Our Community Multi Academy Trust (OCMAT); a group of town, city and village schools that have joined together to provide the very best education for the children in our care and where we believe that education is very much a matter of the individual. This federation of school is under the  the leadership and guidance of Chief Executive Officer Mr David Whitehead.


Lynsted and Norton Primary School is centred around 2 main buildings. The main school building consists of a school hall, (which is used for assemblies, drama, educational activities and sport, and as a dining hall at lunch times) three classrooms, the library and a play therapy room. The School House holds the Reception and Year 1 classroom with their beautiful outside area, the school offices and some central Trust offices. Next to the School House is Stepping Stones, the on site nursery which we have strong links with. We are particularly fortunate to be situated in the middle of the countryside surrounded by green fields and orchards. Along with the field, playground and outdoor classroom area, it allows the outdoor curriculum to become increasingly central to our learning.


As the Headteacher I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, together with our dedicated staff team. We are passionate about the school and are continually reflecting and making improvements to make the children's learning and curriculum better and better. We are especially proud of our super children. We are waiting for the Key Stage 2 results to be validated, but we are so proud to share that our children achieved higher than the national average results in Reading, Writing and Maths in May 2024. This is testament to the strong teaching that children receive at Lynsted and Norton Primary School. 


We are a busy, friendly school with lots going on. One of the benefits of being a small school is that we can get to know every child as an individual, with our nurturing and pastoral ethos at our core. We have a good adult to child ratio, meaning that children get the support they need to have the best possible chance in life. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regularly updated information for both parents and pupils. However it is so much better to come and see the school in real life. If you would like to come and see us, please contact Mrs Sharon Lupton the Office Manager. 


Our School Vision Statement:

Our vision is to create a positive and nurturing learning community, allowing everyone to thrive and reach their potential. 


Our Values 


We consulted with stakeholders regarding the school's values to ensure they are meaningful and appropriate for the children of Lynsted and Norton Primary School. Our values are:







This is how our curriculum is delivered. Our lessons are designed and planned carefully in order that the children have opportunities to develop these values and life skills.

Happy children and parents: We aim to have strong communication with parents via weekly Sway newsletters and using Arbor for updates. We are committed to sharing information with parents about their child through Tapestry, termly open classrooms and Express events, or simply a chat at the end of the day. The triangle of effective communication between school, parent and child is so important in a child's education.

We will listen to everyone's views through parent surveys, pupil voice, pupil surveys, school council and by being available at the  end of the day and by appointment through the office.

We look forward to meeting you!


Mrs Catherine McLaughlin


