At Lynsted, the science curriculum is covered within the context of cross curricular learning within the framework of the Cornerstones Curriculum. Understanding, skills and knowledge are built upon as children progress through each year, and Key Stage throughout the school.
In EYFS, the children explore science through making predictions, using their senses and investigating materials and their properties. Science is taught through the strand of 'Understanding the World'. Science teaching is also linked to other strands of the EYFS framework for learning.
Teachers support children to develop a solid understanding of things occurring around them in their day-to-day lives. Children are encouraged to be creative and inquisitive as they participate in activities. They are also encouraged to use their natural inquisitiveness, whilst taking part in exploratory play in specific scientific areas as well as areas which link across the EYFS framework. In EYFS, understanding of the world is taught within the context of cross curricular learning within the framework of the Cornerstones Curriculum.
All year groups ensure that there is a balance between practical skills and knowledge. Children will be given the opportunity to gain confidence and independence in carrying out practical investigations as well as recording observations, measurements and findings.