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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum


The quality of the school’s curriculum makes the biggest difference to a child’s learning. With this in mind, we have ensured that the curriculum is progressive and allows children to build on new learning, acquiring new knowledge and skills 


When designing the curriculum, the staff team focused on the following questions:


  • - What do we want the children to know?
  • - What do we want the children to know how to do?


We aim to enrich every child’s school experience by creating an environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be.


We use Cornerstones, a widely recognised curriculum programme, as a basis for our curriculum, with adaptations made to the local context and children’s needs. We have created a curriculum that is broad, balanced and ambitious for all. It is exciting, relevant and meaningful, responding to the needs of the children. Knowledge and skills are intertwined, as neither is more important than the other.


Learning is arranged into termly topics as this enables the children to make clear links between different aspects of their learning, therefore reducing their cognitive load. Our values based education means that the curriculum is being further enhanced, for example all of the topics are based around questions, linked to the value of enquiry. This allows children to ask questions and lead their learning as we recognised that the children need to get more involved in their learning and develop their curiosity. The school’s values drive the curriculum and determine how it is taught. 




Our intent for the ambitious curriculum that we deliver is for the children to develop skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning, preparing them to make an active contribution to society. We will give them real life experiences, so that they can see the relevance their learning has in the real world, whilst developing a rich and deep subject knowledge. We aim for the children to become mentally and emotionally happy and resilient citizens, ready for the challenges of the 21st Century. 


Curriculum Organisation 


For each term, we organise the learning into a topic. Subjects which naturally link to this theme are included so that the learning is relevant and connections can be made between learning. For the structure of a topic, we base it upon the four phases which supports and develops our curriculum aims


ENGAGE phase





The purpose of each phase is:


An event which hooks the children into their topic and their learning

Children are taught the skills, knowledge and understanding

A challenge is set for the children which allows them to apply their skills

The children share and celebrate their learning with others


What this looks like varies, but includes such things as:


.  Using visitors, local community or trips to engage the children

·  Inspiring children with a range of experiences

·  Use fieldwork to engage the children

·   Modelling the skills

·   Children coaching and supporting each other

·   Using a range of learning environments to develop knowledge, skills and understanding

·   Children enabled to enquire and lead their own learning

·  Children choosing their own layout 

and approach to learning

·   Children taking control of their own learning

·   Setting real life projects which inspire the children

·   Challenging 

children and enabling them to take risks

·   Applying the skills they have learnt over the term or year

·   Use of the TASC wheel to solve the challenge

·   Children sharing 

their own learning

·   Using a range of audiences such as parents, other children and online

·   Celebrating 



Long term plans


The curriculum is arranged into cycle A and cycle B due to mixed age classes. This academic year 2024-25 is cycle B.


The long term plan for each of the classes is below.


