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Assessment and Statutory tests





At Lynsted we have a relentless approach to high quality and consistent teaching and learning within the classroom using ongoing assessment for learning and our excellent understanding of all our children's needs to support strong progress for all our children.


We formally assess children 3 times a year - to support teachers judgments we have built in time as part of staff meetings for internal moderation as well as Trust wide moderation opportunities and the use of summative tests at the end of every unit of work. This information is held in our school's assessment system - Target Tracker.  Throughout the year we use ongoing 'soft' assessment to support our ongoing understanding and planning, we build in opportunities for cold/hot tasks in both Writing and Maths, to both inform teachers planning, but also to allow the children to see how much progress they make over a short space of time. 




In EYFS we use Tapestry as a way to record, document and communicate children's experiences and learning immediately with parents/carers. This is a two way process and we value parent’s contributions towards their child’s learning journal on tapestry. We are continually assessing through playing with the children and planning their individual next steps from these on-going summative assessments. At the end of the Reception year we make a formative assessment of the child attainment against the 7 Early Learning Goals in the EYFS Curriculum as to whether they have met the expected level. This EYFS profile at the end of the Reception year is shared with parents/carers and the year 1 teacher and reflects the teachers knowledge and professional judgment of a child.



Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check


The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. This will enable teachers to identify the pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. These checks will be sat in June. 


Year 4 multiplication check guide for parents


Year 1 - phonics


Children in Year 1 are tested on their ability to link sounds and letters when reading. This is known as phonics screening. An information pack for parents can be accessed via the following link.


Y1 phonics screening guide for parents 2019.doc


Year 2 and Year 6 - SATs


SATs (standard assessment tests) are a series of assessments in reading, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and maths carried out in two stages during your child’s primary education - at the end of Year 2 (Key Stage 1) and again at the end of Year 6 (Key Stage 2). Writing and Science are also assessed but this is done through teacher assessment rather than tests.


Please look at this Government link for a parents guide. 

