Kent Test
Parents will be able to register for the Kent Test online via If you register online and provide a valid e-mail address, you will receive your child’s assessment decision via e-mail on the published date. Please be aware that postal results can be delayed.
The test is taken at the beginning of September when your child enters Year 6.
If you have registered your child by email, you will receive the results via email. The school is able to provide you with your child's exact scores if required.
Primary school headteachers are provided with the results at the beginning of October. They have the right to apply for a 'Headteacher Assessment' (often called Headteacher Appeal) for children who have not reached the pass standard.
This is carried out on a confidential basis without parents being informed. A panel of headteachers consider a selection of work submitted by the primary school, the English Paper taken as part of the Kent Test and a report containing evidence from the Primary school headteacher.
If the child is successful in the headteacher assessment, then the decision is regarded as a pass on an equal footing with those who gained automatic selection through test results. This means that the child is found selective and this decision is recognised at all Kent grammar schools.
Please note, there are only two reasons for being able to take the Kent Tests after the agreed date:
If either of these reasons apply, you will have to wait until April and submit an application to individual schools through the in-year Admissions process who will arrange testing. Contact KCC admissions to confirm process.
Schools will offer some or all of their places to the highest scoring applicants. You need to read the oversubscription criteria for each school to determine the rules for each one.
Depending on the school, the pass mark may only be determined by the scores of those applying and will become public when decisions are announced.
Appeals will be considered on an individual basis and should be discussed with your Headteacher. Please be aware that not all appeals may be able to be supported by the school and will be discussed with you at the initial meeting. As a general guide, children with scores below 105 in any of the tests (unless there are specific reasons for a low score (medical etc) are unlikely to be supported at parental appeal.
It is very important that you make the school aware of any potential issues before or at the time of the test that may have an impact upon your child’s scores. These may include bereavement, Family illness, family break up, child’s illness or any other unusual or disturbing circumstances.
We hope this gives you some insight into the Kent Test Process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Head of School who will be happy to help.
Dates for 2024 / 2025
Monday 3 June 2024 - Registration opens -
Monday 1 July 2024 - Registration closes at midnight
Thursday 12 September 2024 - Kent test taken at school
Saturday 14 September 2024 - Children attending schools outside kent take test
Thursday 17 October 2024 - Kent test decision emails sent to parents after 4pm