Exclusion Arrangements
We expect the highest expectations of conduct, behaviour and manners throughout our school, whether in the classroom, playground or the local community; and do all we can to ensure that we promote and model excellent behaviour. All members of our school community have the right to feel safe and happy at all times in school, during all activities. It is a primary aim of Lynsted and Norton Primary School that there should be mutual respect between staff and children, between children, and that everyone feels equally valued.
Our Exclusion Policy will be used only in extreme cases of inappropriate behaviour or when all other attempts to engage a child in changing their behaviour have failed.
Only the headteacher, or acting headteacher, can suspend or permanently exclude a pupil from school on disciplinary grounds. The decision can be made in respect of behaviour inside or outside of school. The headteacher will only use permanent exclusion as a last resort.
A decision to suspend a pupil will be taken only:
Where suspensions have become a regular occurrence, the headteacher will consider whether suspensions alone are an effective sanction and whether additional strategies need to be put in place to address behaviour issues.
A decision to exclude a pupil will be taken only:
Before deciding whether to suspend or exclude a pupil, the headteacher will:
In cases of exclusion, Lynsted and Norton Primary School follows the guidance provided by Kent County Council and the Department for Education. For further information, see our policy below.