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Hedgehogs Class (Years 2 and 3)

Hedgehogs Class (Years 2 and 3)


Hello, my name is Mrs Ward and I am the Class Teacher in Hedgehogs Class.  Miss Whitehouse and Mrs Mabb are the Teaching Assistants.


We are so excited for the start of the school year and our new class - Hedgehogs. We will be adding exciting things we have been doing each week to the school’s newsletter.


Over the course of the year, we will be learning about a range of exciting topics that will interest the children, along with deepening their knowledge


Term 1: Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age, or Bronze Age?

Term 2: Why did the Romans settle in Britain?

Term 3: Why do people live near volcanoes?

Term 4: Why are rainforests important to us?

Term 5: How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?

Term 6: Where does our food come from?




For whole class guided reading, we use various texts over the term and your child will be heard reading in class during this time or one to one with an adult during the week.

As well as this, we use Accelerated Reader as our reading tracker in school. At home, we encourage all children to continue to use their Reading Records to record when they have been reading. We will also record when your child is heard read in school in the same way.


Renaissance Learning Login




Within our writing, we use 'Talk For Writing' to guide our own learning journey linked with our topic. This style follows immersion, imitation and then innovation. This will be on a two-to-three weekly cycle. Over the course of each term, we will be writing a range of both fiction and non-fiction pieces. Some units of work we will be completing are a narrative based on 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura and a newspaper report based on volcanoes.




In Hedgehogs Class, we use a programme called No Nonsense Spelling. This ensures we offer a comprehensive, yet accessible programme when teaching spellings. We will teach strategies, knowledge and skills pupils need to learn

spellings effectively.  




In both Key Stage 1 and 2, we use Power Maths as a foundation to our learning. We will enrich the children’s mathematical knowledge through reasoning, problem solving and investigative activities.


To support the learning of times tables, we encourage children to use Numbots and TT Rockstars as a home learning tool. 


Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (




We have a qualified sports coach, Mr Newton Taylor, who comes to school every Wednesday to deliver PE across the school. In addition to this, the children take part in a planned programme of other physical activities each week, including swimming for children in KS2, and participation in competitive activities.    




Across both Key Stage 1 and 2, we use a programme called Jigsaw to support the teaching and learning of PSHE and SRE. Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. This is adapted when needed to ensure that it meets the needs of our pupils.




In Hedgehogs Class, we will be setting homework weekly via Microsoft Teams, which will consist of English or Maths each week, along with spellings and timetables.

Please ensure your child reads a minimum of 3 times a week as well as using Numbots or Times Table Rockstars to support their numeracy fluency. Thank you for your support with this.

Hedgehogs 2024-25

We were excited to check the growth of our broad bean plants today! We measured them and added the observations to our bean diaries.

Year 3 Hedgehogs have been learning how to greet each other in French using finger puppets. So far, we can say hello, ask what your name is and reply in French!

Hedgehogs have been learning the correct running technique this week, and applying this to relay and obstacle races.

Hedgehogs have been learning about the importance of protecting our eyes from the sun! We also noticed that our pupils got bigger in darker places to let more light in and smaller in brighter light.

Hedgehogs were lucky enough to have an outdoor learning day today and celebrated the grand opening of our Outdoor Classroom!

Hedgehogs enjoyed National Numeracy Day today! We played a range of numeracy games, solved problems and had some TT Rockstar battles!

Hedgehogs enjoyed their visit to Sittingbourne Heritage Museum today! We looked at pictures of how Sittingbourne used to be and learnt lots of interesting information about it!

This week, we began the term by looking at our local area and explored the different types and characteristics of Sittingbourne.

Key Stage 2 had the pleasure of a 'French afternoon' today! We enjoyed games such as Mikado, Jeu de bataille, Jeu de 7 Famille, Saut a l’élastique and French Bingo, hopscotch and Twister using French colours and body parts!

We enjoyed some nice weather today, and practised our throwing and catching skills in Rugby!

We had a nice surprise visit from Foxes today, who made us some times table games and brought them into class to share with us!

Hedgehogs enjoyed World Book Day today and dressed up as a range of characters!

Hedgehogs have been learning about Shabbat in RE and were very grateful today, to try some Halla (hat) bread.

We enjoyed exploring our local Church in Lynsted today and learning about the history of the Church. We were particularly interested to learn that the original door has bullet holes and marks from Cromwell's soldiers, who attacked it with an axe and musket between 1649 and 1653!

Hedgehogs have enjoyed exploring with magnets this week and testing to see which materials they attract through.

Hedgehogs have been exploring their local area and created a map of the school, which we then followed to our outdoor classroom!

We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas jumper day, pulling crackers and our lovely Christmas dinners today!

This week, we have been learning about flint knapping and had a go at carving our own Stone Age tools. We realised how long it took and how difficult it must have been!

Hedgehogs explored Kent Life today! We enjoyed visiting the animals and looking at the 1950s farm house but most of all, we enjoyed meeting a man from the Stone Age called Claw!

Hedgehogs have enjoyed learning about the Stone Age and recreated their own cave paintings this week!

For Science enrichment week, we learnt about camouflage, tested if our pulse rates changed before, during and after exercise and investigated if boys arms were longer than girls!

In Science this week, we collected soil from around the school and tested it with small amounts of water. We found that our soil contained clay, as we were able to make long ribbons that did not fall apart.

This week, we studied the detail of flowers and practised our sketching techniques by drawing roses.

Hedgehogs have had a fun start to the new term collecting rocks from around the school to establish the different types we have!

We said 'Goodbye' to Hedgehogs for the summer! We wish those going into Foxes class all the best and look forward to seeing those who are staying in Hedgehogs next September!

We thoroughly enjoyed our Sports day afternoon! We had a slight shower of rain but apart from that the weather held out for us!

We have enjoyed tennis this term so far! We have been gradually building up our skills for the correct technique to perform a forehand shot.

In ICT this week, we have been learning about the history of animation and created our own flipbooks and thaumatropes!

Hedgehogs created Egyptian collars for DT enrichment week!

Hedgehogs thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Maidstone Museum today and they even saw a real Egyptian mummy!

Hedgehogs explored circuits in Science this week and created some simple and series circuits of their own!

We have all enjoyed our Coronation celebrations today at school! We have been learning about the Coronation, making crowns and we were very thankful for the good weather for our games on the field!

We have started to look at music inspired by trees, including the cherry blossom festival, Hanami.

For British Science Week this year, Hedgeghogs looked at recognising connections between living things and their habitats, as well as food chains and impacts on ecosystems.

Hedgehogs thoroughly enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day today and came in some fantastic costumes!

Hedgehogs wrote their own narratives based on 'King of the Cloud Forests' by Michael Morpurgo and enjoyed sharing their stories with Ducklings today!

In maths this afternoon, we calculated angles and developed our problem solving skills!

Hedgehogs thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Oare Gunpowder works today, and worked on improving their landscape photography skills!

In Science, we have been exploring states of matter and observing how some some materials change their state due to their temperature.

Hedgehogs enjoyed their first lesson of Cricket for this term, focusing on throwing and catching skills, as well as teamwork!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner and party on our last week of term!

In DT, we have been learning about healthy foods and created our own fruit kebabs!

We enjoyed dressing up in spots today for Children in Need!

Hedgehogs performed a Remembrance Assembly to the rest of the school today and we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to explore some items regarding Remembrance too!

In Science, we have begun learning about our new topic of Sound and have been listening to sounds outside. We have recorded various sounds in relation to ourselves and have recognised that sound becomes quieter the further away it is.

In Science, we have been exploring and learning about food chains and food webs.

In PE, we have enjoyed the nicer weather and have been able to get outside and work on our speed and agility in multiskills.

In Science, we have been learning about food and digestion, including the different types of teeth we have. We then created our own teeth, showing the Incisors, Canines, Premolars and Molars!

We have thoroughly enjoyed creating Autumn pictures in Art this week! We've been very busy researching, practising our key skills and then creating our final piece, using a printing technique.
